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Hi, I’m Lane, The Coffee Shop Writer

French Cafe
Welcome to my site... I am delighted to be able to share some of my fascinating journey of roads already taken & more to come! I believe that if one is going to dream...then dream big. Sky's the limit. Let's see if I live up to these brave words. A couple years ago, I took a 'Leap of Faith" & jumped out of a plane at ten thousand feet & I wasn't afraid at all so I believe I'm ready to begin this web site & new blog. 

Just over 10 years ago, I sold my house, moved my cats and self to this fascinating community of Gimli Manitoba... Heart of the Interlake. Although I didn't retire, as was my main goal, I certainly pursued many venues that I hadn't planned on. That to me is what life is truly about... being ready and willing to embrace the unexpected! The first year was low-key while I settled in,and then decided I had been retired long enough. I became a volunteer, which led to being employed once more. Best decision ever! That opened many doors of opportunities to meet people, spend enjoyable hours visiting at our local coffee shops. Soon with my journal, my constant companion, I began a blog about my new adventures. I became the local Coffee Shop Writer. The nickname held. The bonds of friendship I have built here are strong and true, and have blessed me with a sense of belonging. I had found the place I'd always wanted to be. This is my haven, where I can paint and write. At this time, several books are in progress, and I love the flexibility freelance writing allows. They'll be ready whenever I feel I have proofed them and cannot take them another step. That also works with my art. I will not rush any, and since I work best by inspiration, that is my guide. I don't create any of my works without a reason. My writing goal is for my readers to find encouragement, humour and compassion. I hope to always reflect positivity, whether it is for my youngest audience or beyond. My titles always portray the inspiration in both. With this website, I plan to share my works as they progress, change, and reach completion. I hope you will enjoy this journey with me. Thanks for visiting & hope you will follow me and feel free to leave comments on my blog any time.
                                                                                         - Lane.  

About Me

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