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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


Updated: Aug 11, 2022

There's an old proverb that goes something like this:

'The flower doesn't wait for the bee to come… The flower blooms because the bee has already come and gone…

In other words…Life happens whether we are watching or not. And changes can happen that fast as well. Everything is planned & happening whether we see it or not…we just don’t realize the depths and the intricate ways that everything is planned out.

When we’re waiting for something great to happen, it seems to take forever… When we want something to be over, it takes forever… When we’re really young and want to be grown-up, it takes forever, but when we get older time goes by so quickly… Why is that? Where did the time go? The years seem to have flown by in no time at all. I couldn’t wait to retire so that I could do all the stuff I wanted to do… But for some reason I can’t stay up as late as I used to. I can’t work as fast as I used to and I don’t even want to work as much as I used to.

I’m surrounded by projects I’ve saved up to do whenever’ I thought I was going to have the time. However, most of them are only partly done and hopefully I will get back to them!!! I have long given up making a to do list every day. Which was a good decision because that just got me depressed because I never finish it. Anyways after all is said and done I’m very grateful for each day and I amazed that I have come this far and I’m sure many of you will say the same thing.

I even look at my plants with amazement because I brought them home in a little packs and here they are at their max in foliage, beautifully grown and day after day since I brought them home they’ve continued to grow and all of a sudden today when I looked at them it’s like: 'Wow!' How did they get this huge and beautiful?

Because the summer has been passing quickly just like the titled old soap opera, ‘Days of Our Lives.’

These were> Our Summer Days.

How quickly June and July sped by and everyone I talk to is saying the same thing. Well now we are into August and I’m sure it will go quickly as well. Today at the store I saw school supplies and everyone was on a mission buying supplies & probably have been for a couple of weeks! I just didn’t seem to notice until today.

This morning I set my alarm for 5 AM and got up and it was still dark! It just seems like a week ago the birds were waking me up. Of course since June 20th, the days have been getting shorter. A few minutes at a time.

So let’s enjoy these precious days of August… Make memories wherever & whenever you can because as time passes they will become golden.

Meanwhile, for today Dear Readers, I hope you are able to sit outside on your step or your favorite comfy chair, your patio or deck. Whatever you have and enjoy your favorite beverage…

Take time to smell the flowers...

Listen to the birds...

Chat with loved ones and friends...

AND...Enjoy the sunshine and also the summer rain which brings it all together.

I read this on: 'Inspiring and Positive Quotes', and I'm copying it with hope and confidence that you will find it as encouraging as I did. Please remember always, how essential you are to someone. If no one has said it to you today or for awhile, I am writing you a reminder now. "You are important." Here is the quote.


"Maybe some things don't get better, but we do.

We get stronger.

We learn to live with our situations as messy and ugly as they are.

We fix what we can and we adapt to what we can't.

Maybe some of us will never be fully okay, but at least we're here. We're still trying.

We're doing the best we can.

That's worth celebrating too.

If you are reading this...Congratulations!

You made it to Today!

You made it."

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Audrey Swift
Audrey Swift
Aug 27, 2022

So true. Time flies by, especially when we're busy. Whatever the circumstance, it's important to "stop and smell the roses", like this little guy here ☺️


Aug 10, 2022

So true. Summer is flying by! Enjoy all your days as if they’re extra special.

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