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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


December 26, 2021, Day Five. As we get nearer to the end of December & 2021, I find myself with so much to think about! I narrowed it down to FIVE sections that are completely linked & belong together.

LOVE...Dionne Warwick sang it in 1966...'What The World Needs Now, is Love Sweet Love'.

I can't see that anything has changed from that song. As I was sitting here deciding what more to write about LOVE. The Christmas card I received from my sister was right beside me, in bright red. All it says on the front in huge letters is:

***** LOVE ***** IS WHAT WE DO *****

Inside the beautiful verse that I'd 'Love' to share with you, my Dear Readers:

Love will get up early.

Love will stay up late.

Love's one step ahead of you,

Love anticipates.

Love picks up and shows up.

Love keeps coming through.

Love makes all the difference...Because...

Love is what we do.


I don't believe there is anything I could write here that could top that for my blog today.

FAITH...I wouldn't be truthful if I said mine isn't shaky at times. Some days I'm on top of it and other times 'not quite as strong'.

There are many ways of writing a description of Faith:

It is to have complete trust & confidence in someone or something. The Bible teaches in Hebrews:11 that 'Faith is being sure of what we Hope for and certain of what we do not see with our physical eyes'.

Whatever we believe about Faith, it is what keeps us going because we are holding onto our Hope.

HOPE... Are we losing our Hope? We continually tell one another "Never give up Hope."

To have Hope we have a feeling of expectation that what we are longing for, will happen. Voicing our Hope to one another helps to express multiple emotions that we are experiencing through all of these trying times. We can be sad or disappointed but remain Hopeful. The symbol of Hope in the Bible is an anchor. Hebrews 6:19 says that Hope can be an anchor to the soul, sure & steadfast.

JOY...The meaning of Joy is a feeling of delight, great happiness in some event that has touched your heart & releases excitement. The description of Joy in John 15:10 tells us this:

'If you keep my commandments, you will abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you that My Joy may be in you, and that your Joy may be full. Seeing our loved ones and dear friends always brings a sense of Joy!

PEACE...'Free from worry' is the definition. Peace of mind definition: describes a mental state of tranquility. It means calm & the absence of uncertainty or turmoil. A feeling of being safe.

Easier said than done in this tense way of life. However, we have Love, we have Faith and Hope and we do find Joy in the simple but important matters, and through these emotions we do find Peace filled moments. While you have your coffee, Dear Reader, Consider these meaningful words and how they are linked to one another. We may not have them all together, but let's hold on to our Faith and Hope for that to happen.

Until next blog, Blessings, Lane

Sunrise: 8:29 AM

Sunset: 4:29 PM

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Audrey Swift
Audrey Swift
Dec 27, 2021

This reminds me of a needlepoint I once made...


Audrey Swift
Audrey Swift
Dec 27, 2021


Cam Bellingham
Cam Bellingham
Dec 27, 2021

I think you missed one. It should be SIX not FIVE WORDS: LOVE, FAITH, HOPE, JOY, PEACE & CHOCOLATE!!!

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