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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


Well my coffee Readers, it has been a happy September. I've had some setbacks, but I made a point of trying to get out of my house every day. I may not have made it to the lake for the sunrise every morning, however I think I can say I did 90%, (which at this ole' gal's age), is pretty darn good. I've given myself a pat on the shoulder for not giving up and getting lazy on those cool mornings when it was so tempting to stay in the house & kept reminding myself it's gonna' be a long, long winter and there probably will be more days that I cannot walk. If there's anything I've learned throughout Covid, it's to seize the moment every day.

'Bon Voyage' Sweet September😎❤️ October will have a tough act to follow. Let's pray for good weather and more sunshine days ahead.

Therefore, I will always remember this as a great September. As I greeted everyone in passing on the street or by the beach, walking their dogs, or were meditating by themselves admiring the lake, I sensed contentment. Whenever I came home to my yard and my flowers and gardens … I realized almost any combination can be 'Happy Together', if we choose that way of thinking. It doesn't come easy, and I had to work at it some of the time but well worth changing my attitude and outlook.

As I walked outside daily, I was blessed to see all my plants and flowers on my deck as usual. One morning something else hit me😊👍 Because of some ongoing health set backs, I couldn’t put in a typical garden this year, therefore, had everything potted and close at hand on my deck & pretty much all around my house! I have tomatoes in with my geraniums and cucumbers with my tall grasses and beans and peas in with my morning glories and everything was growing beautifully. They really are 'Happy Together'!

I reveled at how they've all come along & adjusted.

That got me to my next conclusion…

I really wonder why some make such a fuss over who sits beside who...or why we simply cannot get along? Why do we bother getting so upset if somebody cuts in front of us in line? Is it really life-threatening or is it going to make a difference to our whole day? I find myself getting impatient over such silly things!! Why do I spend $50 to get a 'free' coupon for $5.00 off on something else that I might not even remember to buy before it expires? LOL!

And there are some habits I cannot seem to break ...Like being impatient because I was told there’s a 30-minute wait for breakfast… If I was at home, it would take me that long to make it and plus I would miss out on a social visit with others or I would have to clean up my own mess. It’s not rocket science. And I’m only giving you one example… The rest of them get somewhat worse so I’m only sharing one LOL! I can’t even blame it on an age thing… Because I think I’ve always been like this! Lol!

I remember years and years ago while I was still in the city, I decided to visit a church that Sunday for the first time. When I walked in by myself, I wanted to sit towards the back, so I just slipped into the first or second last row and sat down…Before I knew it, I had a couple glaring at me.

I smiled and said good morning & was about to introduce myself. They replied rather curtly and then proceeded to ask me if this was my first time here and I said: "Yes it is!" The answer to that was this: “Well then you should know right off the top that this is our seat and we have been sitting here for years!”

I was stunned! All I could mumble was ‘I’m sorry, and by all means take your seat. I promise I won’t sit here again, and I walked out… I automatically thought to myself well I guess I'm not going to be happy here at all in this building!

*** From time to time I think about that and what I could’ve done differently. *** I should have just taken another seat and waited around and got to know some of the other people & their families in the congregation. I’m sure they were nice and would’ve welcomed me with open arms, but I was the closed minded one…I was wrong and ‘reacted’ instead of ‘responded’. I instantly judged that whole congregation by that one grouchy couple!

I hoped that day whatever the sermon was about reached their hearts and if they had been sitting there for years and were still in that same state of mind, they definitely needed their personal seat more than I did.

What I didn’t catch at the time, was that the rest of the congregation seemed 'Happy Together', and I’m sure included them & made it work! Or better still...accepted them as they were. Which I needed to learn more about! While I was so busy thinking THEY needed the sermon more than I did, it made me realize how narrow minded and judgmental I WAS!!!

If I had a given them more than that one chance, they might’ve warmed up to me as well! I know the good Lord has given me way more than ONE chance all my life.

That lesson really taught me something about people and myself. Since then when visiting a new place, I make a point of saying 'Oh, is it OK if I sit here? Or..."I am really enjoying being here today, I hope it's okay." And then I wait to 'respond' to their answers.

Earlier this month I was sitting in the park waiting for a friend to go for breakfast & I looked up towards the top at the hotel and there were all of the seagulls in a row just enjoying the sun beaming upon them and living in the moment. Previously that same bunch had been on the street fighting amongst themselves for scraps that were left behind and now they were the best of friends… those moments were forgotten. 'Way to go! I’m sure none of them were holding grudges!

I love the adventures in meeting new people all the time, trying out new restaurants, shops and of course bookstores & thrift stores. I pray I'll never get too old or set in my ways where I no longer desire seeking new experiences. I hope I will continue to make new friends while never forgetting to value what and whom I have in my life.

I know what it is to be the new kid {or senior} on the block & I hope I can make newcomers truly feel that we can all be 'Happy Together'. How awful it would be if they were at my favorite coffee shop, and I went over to them and said: "I’m sorry this is my table! I’ve been coming here for years!" If I still remember that one very disappointing morning at church, I’m sure they would feel the same way if treated like that in our town or any place at all. I want to be more like the trusting birds of the air and my plants...'Happy Together', wherever I am or choose to be. Today is the one that matters most of all.

September has been a month of reflections, both happy and sentimental.

I shared my Granddaughter's happy 17th birthday and felt richly blessed. She is amazing!

It was also the month to especially remember my sister Alice and her daughter Iris, both whom we all miss every day. I listened to the water, the birds, the breeze and let the sun's warmth wrap around me as I remembered their voices and their laughter. I cherish these memories.

The sun rose at 7:27 A.M. on the last day of September 2022 and I am grateful I was able to see it and take several photos to look at during the winter months. I'm sure the morning people around me on the beach heard me shouting good morning to the sun rising across the lake!

My Dear Readers, wherever you are as you are able to enjoy your favorite beverage, be it early or late, glance around and think about your blessings. Also remind yourself that you are essential and deserve a pat on the shoulder for your accomplishments each day. Do that please and enjoy your break from the rush of the 'to do list' you've made. Thanks for reading. Until next time, Blessings from Lane, your coffee shop writer.

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