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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


Updated: Dec 22, 2021


Right now I am forgetting all the things I must do in the next hours and focusing on this beautiful morning. I feel tired and I know I look it but that's ok because those of you who know me well...know some mornings are a real struggle. I want to give you, my Readers, the 'real deal' and not pretend that I bounce happily out my door EVERY day. I love what my Doctor told me one day while I caught myself voicing a bunch of ailments that were hanging over me & I told her I wasn't always like this. She smiled and placed her hand over mine & told me to complain all I wanted. "Really?" I asked. She said by all means because frankly dealing with getting older is not for 'wimps', so don't take it submissively. "Bite it back by telling it how you feel & get it off your chest!" I had never heard it put in that way before and I told her I wasn't gonna ever let myself drive in the 'wimpy' lane anymore! In this next 20 minutes which is all I have time to sit in my happy place, I am drinking in the sounds of laughter from the young people walking to school. The birds in my trees are chattering and singing as though they won the lottery. Blooming Lilacs are waving in the breeze. The approaching difficult hours will pass and I will be back in this place, happy to invite a couple friends over for coffee & some fabulous bake shop treats and I will be a listener...Just in case they had a worse day than mine and need some time in My Coffee Corner to unwind.

"What's not to love?" I ask as I rest and revive'. This blog was obviously written in the summer as one of my quick drafts but everything still applies. Except for seasonal background changes, my blogs are meant for 'all year 'round reading & were on the shelf waiting for their spot on this new journey.

Enjoy whatever moments you have right now where ever you are...even if its a work coffee break. If you are at home, find your sanctuary....a corner that blocks out the washer & dryer or the kids cartoons. A few minutes to catch your breath CAN make a difference on your outlook, believe me I know. Thanks for joining me in my Happy Coffee Corner.

Blessings, Lane

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