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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


The colors of autumn leaves are so awesome that for the moment I forget what comes after they have fallen and become warm comforters for the earth. I watched the busy squirrels preparing for the cold months ahead and was in awe at the way their instincts tell them what to do. Everything knows its season and everything in nature gracefully slows down and the timing is right.

On our summer solstice… The longest day the sun rose at 4:37 AM and set at 9:45 8 PM. Gradually since then they shortened by a few minutes every day. At first we hardly paid attention to them... (Almost like the years of our lives). They went by gradually and we were still busy as usual and then all of a sudden we noticed the changes happening. Some of them major! Life is similar to the seasons is it not?

Now we are in mid-November and November is a month where we say: "It is what it is." Right? November is a month where we never know what it's going to be like a couple hours from now or what it'll be like when we get up in the morning and open the drapes or it can happen in five minutes! Trust me...It can be like that. Snowfalls in November sometimes stay & other times when the sun comes out, it kind of melts away for a few hours. We know it's hovering, and probably the next time snow is falling it will be here till...'whenever'. It is what it is.

Therefore, I've declared this November as coffee month!☕️✍️📕 More than October! Well, I have to have something really worthwhile for November!

Now take coffee… Coffee goes with everything, every season: Ice cream, desserts and flowers. Watching the sunrise & especially in winter or while walking in the summer rain…Pumpkin pie!!!! The favorite color and taste of October. November can be: Coffee with a cinnamon or peppermint stick in large mugs that you wrap your hands around! It goes wonderful with PJ's, a comfy blankie and a book. It makes everything complete or just a little bit brighter at least. Due to an allergy recently discovered, I can no longer drink my favorite London fog with Earl Grey tea, but my doctor gave me the clear for coffee. I actually have more of an appreciation for my coffee than I used to and I didn’t think that was possible! LoL!

When I walked early in the mornings of October, before much traffic was moving, I heard the sounds of October's leaves. It was like a conversation. I loved how they swirled as the breeze caught them and they danced along as I walked. Then just as quickly at other times, they would become still as if politely waiting for me to pass by.

Autumn echoed through this yard of what once was.... Now, as the years have passed, season after season I often wished I could hear what stories it could have told. Instead, it remains silent as though it has simply accepted its fate.

'It is what it is'.

I am leaving with this beautiful inspirational message that was on Facebook one day and it reminded me of how our seasons...Our lives included, in several ways... Are always changing and we have to go with the flow, even if we don't feel ready or well prepared. I often have to remind myself that everything is in our Creator's hands.

If you are enjoying a few quiet, restful moments with your favorite beverage, then enjoy the peace and for the next little while, let all distractions minimize themselves. You are essential & You are one of a kind, so take care of yourself as much as you care for those who need you.

'If we hold tightly to anything given to us,

Unwilling to let it go when the time comes to let it go...

Or unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver

Means for it to be used...

We stunt the growth of the soul.'

Elisabeth Elliot. Missionary

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sunrise: 7:45 A.M.

Sunset: 4:40 P.M.

Thank you for reading. Until next time, Blessings from Lane, your coffee shop writer

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