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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


Hi Dear Readers. I was thrilled with the response on my last blog about the rain and the music and the wonderful way that songwriters were inspired to write the words they did. They certainly inspired my last blog, now it’s time to go to the brighter side. This morning as I was walking just after sunrise, I had my playlist on and the perfect song came out. It was : On The Sunny Side of the Street.” Willie Nelson version. I listened to the words as I walked and it reminded me of the way I am some days.

I don’t always start out happy face, smiling ear to ear but I do always try to leave my worries and gloomy face behind closed doors… There is enough worry and sadness and stress all around me they don’t need one more serious face walking through the door at the coffee shop or people I pass on the street thinking “ Gee, I wonder what she’s going through right now?” The words to the song were perfect. “Get your coat and grab your hat… Leave your worries on the doorstep… Life can be so sweet on the sunny side of the street. “ I remember the toughest months of COVID when the restrictions were so high and necessary, and masks were mandatory everywhere. I remember writing the blog about how I missed the smiles. Something I think we all kind of took for granted, but I really did miss everyone smiling, and I missed smiling back. When that was gradually lifted and we were still being cautious, but could go to the restaurants again, how I appreciated the smiles. I had titled that blog: "The Smiles Are Back In Town". The words to "Sunny Side Of The Street" go on to say:

  • "I used to walk in the shade,

  • with my blues on Parade,

  • But now I am not afraid,

  • this 'writer' crossed over

  • And if I never have a dime,

  • I’d be rich as Rockefeller,

  • With sunbeams at my feet,

  • On the sunny side of the street.

What is it that is so therapeutic about feeling the sun on your face? It definitely has its own source of power, because beaches and sunny places would not be so crowded if it were otherwise.

I will always remember my skydive that September evening, and seeing the sun on its way West from that view at 10,000 feet. As I walked out of the plane ready to jump, the sun smiling at me was the icing on the cake, & it followed me all the way down.

A smiling face arriving at my door has the same effect, or if I walk into the coffee shop and everyone takes that moment smile or say good morning, it does something to my soul.

I realize how we can have that same affect on others around us. Just as I wrote about Rainy Day people in my last blog, it’s the same with Sunny Day faces. They walk in and take away the gloom from the room. I hope I can be that kind of person.

Because it’s not as difficult as I once thought it would be. I used to feel downhearted if I was in a cloudy dark mood, that I wasn't any help to anyone. Meanwhile, visiting someone or meeting for coffee gets my mind off 'me'. The reality is everyone has down days, and sometimes two negatives can become positive. When you sit and share with one another it makes the burden so much lighter. Have you noticed how bright that sunny day can feel after days and nights of rain? As I walked into the coffee shop, blue skies came up on my playlist and the words really left an impression.

  • “Blue skies Smiling at me…

  • Nothing but blue skies do I see.

  • Never saw the sun shining so bright,

  • Never felt things going so right.

Now if I take those words and apply them to my own life, the word attitude is the way I should perceive things, whether it’s a rainy day or sunny day. What matters, is how I feel inside.

Whenever I close my front door, I tell myself I’m leaving all my cares at home, and I can pick them up when I return if I must. I take a deep breath, clear my head, and head towards the sunrise over the lake.… My walk this morning was nothing less than spectacular. Halfway I turned off my music and let the birds serenade me. It’s amazing... they wake up with the same disposition every day. No regrets from yesterday… No worries for tomorrow… Just living in the moment. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could all be that way? I know it isn’t realistic, but I still can’t help thinking about it sometimes.

My Dad, always the philosopher, used to say that worry never could change anything or add a day to our lives. I’ve heard him tell my Mother that for years and years. She was the worrier of the family, and things did usually go the way they were going anyways. I guess I have some of my Mom in me, because I constantly remind myself of what Dad said and believed with all his heart. However, I do follow it when I leave my house, so that no one else sees a gloomy face when I walk into the coffee shop first thing in the morning. Besides I can’t write or create in a gloomy state of mind. So I smile and I get smiles back. It never fails… It’s a win-win situation. All I know is, since COVID-induced isolation, the simple things now mean so much.

This is how I’ve begun to sum things up in my own life… I am choosing more to look at things sunny side up, and I am realizing that life goes by quickly. I am appreciating this fact more and more each day, and am trying to make each one count. I am choosing more and more not to hold any anger or resentment, because all it does to me is drain my energy. I’m trying to choose something that makes me happy every day, and making the most of it. There are always good moments to cling to, and blessings to come either way. I am fighting against negative darts, that try to attack my inner tranquility. I am learning that if I make a mistake, it’s not exactly OK, but it’s not the end of everything either. I’m trying to accept it as a lesson learned, and keep going ahead. Forward is the direction that the Lord is always leading us, not backwards.

So trust that your future is in the journey ahead, and let it help you to worry less about what might have been. Receive blessings from those who love you, and gratefully accept those daily moments of joy. Even a visit, a beautiful flower, a prayer, or a song.

So my Dear Readers, take today for what it’s worth and make the most of it, because really that is all we have. Life is a precious gift, so let’s not waste it. Until next time, sending everyone love and positive good wishes. Blessings & more from Lane, your Coffee Shop Writer.

Hope everyone had a chance to celebrate Canada Day 2022.

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