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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


Well it certainly is struggling to get here but ole' Man Winter is still trying to hang around....Too bad, so sad for him because we are all fed up and in agreement:

"He's gotta go!"

Today has been a perfect 'Spring is in the air', kind of day. At the coffee shop, everyone seemed chatty and relieved to be out without being bundled up, wearing mitts and scarves and shivering from the cold. It was a pleasure walking from shop to shop. AND...I'm sure I am not the only one who has noticed this....


Vegetables and flower seeds are on the shelves!

Seeing that was almost as much of a lift as the coffee I had!

We've already sprung forward by setting our clocks ahead and it is only seven days until the official First Day of Spring.

I always remember at home my Mom & Dad opened all the doors and windows on that day...even if it was cold or stormy. It was their tradition to let the stale old winter blahs out and the fresh new air was welcomed in.

It seems like a long way to go to get from snow covered... to the blossom stage but the anticipation is always invigorating. So keep that in mind because every day is a bit longer than the one before and today I can truthfully say, the sun's rays felt warmer.

Here is a quote today by Albert Einstein in regards to moving forward towards finding the road towards happiness and contentment.

'A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness'.


Well I think we've all learned how to cut back on many things during covid, that we were used to having, and through it all realized how important some of the simple things we took for granted really were the most valuable to us.

It's taken me a lot of years to finally be able to cut myself some slack here and there...NOT to freak out if I didn't complete my daily list and am now able to treat myself to curling up on the couch to read a book, without finishing the dishes or laundry. Dear Readers, I hope you are doing the same whenever you can. Take those mini vacation breaks with your fave' beverage and let yourself dream and plan.

YOU are important and deserve to treat yourself as well as you treat and care for everyone else.

In closing, I am remembering and wishing my niece, Iris a heavenly birthday. You are loved and forever young and close to our hearts, today and everyday.

Today's sunrise: 7:46 AM

Sunset: 7:29 PM

Until next time, most of all, keep safe and hopeful. Blessings from Lane, your Coffee Shop Writer.

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4 comentarios

14 mar 2022

I sure hope that spring is on its way!

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Cam Bellingham
Cam Bellingham
14 mar 2022

The way our house has shifted, I will be lucky to get out of the house when spring arrives. Although we can climb out the window. :)

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14 mar 2022

Motivating! looking forward to opening the windows and letting some spring air in!

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14 mar 2022

Beautiful post… How fitting for today ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Me gusta
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