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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer



This morning as I have my coffee and look out my window from my favorite coffee corner I’m thinking about so many people I know but haven’t been in touch with over the holidays and I can’t help but wonder what they were doing this Christmas & New Year’s Eve & Day. They are the ones who love to gather and catch up, share pictures of new babies, anniversaries and birthdays. I really do miss them today and of course I will be in touch by phone or Facebook with many but no matter how I try to convince myself it is not the same. I know everyone is feeling the same emotions about this too. We are bravely putting on happy faces but the more time passes, we ARE becoming weary of it all. Having said that I do believe with all my heart, we are a lot stronger than we ever thought we could be & I think we should give ourselves a lot of credit for that.

My own days are mostly good & that pulls me through the down days. We WILL get through this Dear Readers!

When I wrote my New Year's blog the other day, I came to one very good conclusion after it was published & I read it again the next day. January is my favorite winter month seems THAT is when I write my books!

It was January for KODA, Brave Little Sea Bear. January for both 101 BLESSINGS & 101 PROMISES. I spent a winter illustrating EMILY & OLIVIA'S SNOW FRIENDS!

Well.... I am on the 'roads' again! Literally a 101 of them!

I have pulled 101 ROADS off the shelf, #3 of the trilogy & am working on it and am determined to have the first draft done by January 31, 2022! I am really inspired & excited to be starting fresh with it. I think the timing is right & I have much more to add to it than before.

Today, I am using a favorite quote again from Ella Fitzgerald (who also performed in my New Year's Eve video) & I hope you had a chance to listen to her fabulous voice before I change that video. She was known to have spoken this & I always keep it handy...

"Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."

I can do a lot of writing but that doesn't always guarantee, I use everything I jot down. A lot of my journals are filled with topics or tidbits I love order for them to grow, I have to re-read everything until something 'inspires' me that will ignite a spark & send me right to my lap top. New Year's Day is the beginning of a new Road for me, & I decided that I need to travel down it and there's my love for my stories and the inspiration to bring them out. I am on this!

Thanks for reading & I hope everyone is keeping warm as possible through these extra cold days & nights.

I began my daily log book on The Winter Solstice, December 20th & have been sharing at the end of my blogs since. That day was:

Sunrise: 8:27 AM

Sunset: 4:25 PM

Today we are:

Sunrise: 8:29 AM

Sunset: 4:36 PM

Blessings Everyone, Lane

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Audrey Swift
Audrey Swift
Jan 04, 2022

It's great to hear that you're writing again! Looking forward to your next book! 🙂

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