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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


According to Alice...not much...She runs in the opposite direction every time I open the door to allow a bit of fresh air in! She barely stays on the floor long enough to eat...I guess she feels the draft more at her age & she's getting a bit fussier each winter...(I can relate,) So she basically gets her way in everything. She is my faithful little fur Babe & I happen to think her eccentricities are cute. Her fave spot is over the heat registers (on her blankie) of course. My rooms are filled with blankies.

I think January 11th is great because we are already into the 2nd week! Tomorrow the temp is going to be more in our favor & I hope to get out and take some new photos of the lake & around town.

My 101 ROADS draft is coming along and I think I am on track. I still have 3 weeks to complete that 1st copy and am more than happy with my progress thus far...Regretfully I have to take a break away from painting & give my left shoulder a chance to rest a bit. Therefore the lap top is in for a busy time.

Coffee has never tasted better than during this extreme cold weather & when 'cabin fever' grabs hold once in awhile, I have to remind myself that so many have it much worse.

There is always something I come across that brings me to the place I need to be...meaning my attitude adjustment. A couple of John F. Kennedy's top twelve quotes seemed to have surfaced when I was about to let myself fall into the rut of grumbling about the way things are with all the restrictions etc., and I've been feeling hard done by when I shouldn't be letting that get to me at all! Well, I opened a journal this morning and this popped up that I'd copied during one of my shut in times from last year!

John F. Kennedy was a fantastic speaker and motivator.

He said this in regards to being grateful for all we have:

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to simply utter words, but to live by them."


"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

I needed to hear these words of wisdom today.

I lugged my manuscripts out to the table and made that decision to try harder to grumble less and share my gratitude more. It really is my decision, and one I can make every day. If I don't quite make it through today, I can start again tomorrow and make that decision to try again. My Person, Iris, taught me that.

Hope you are doing okay Dear Readers thru this trying time. I'm sure there are days of gloom and days where you are simply happy the sun is shining. We are all dealing with these mixed emotions. I hear it in everyone I talk with. We are all experiencing various personal trials and conflicts, plus health issues. Hold on to your faith & keep positive in your hope that things will get better. God has promised that no storm lasts forever, and this too shall eventually pass.

As promised I am keeping the times of our sunrises and settings.

On January 6th:

Sunrise: 8:28 AM

Sunset: 4:41 PM


January 7th:

Sunrise:8:27 AM

Sunset: 4:41 PM


January 8th:

Sunrise: 8:27 AM

Sunset: 4:43 PM


January 9th:

Sunrise: 8:26 AM

Sunset: 4:44 PM


January 10th:

Sunrise: 8:25 AM

Sunset: 4:46 PM


January 11th:

Sunrise: 8:25 AM

Sunset: 4:46 PM

Blessings Everyone.

Stay strong & safe.

I truly wish I could invite

you all over for coffee and pancakes today but sincerely hope you are having your favorite beverage along with a few moments to yourself.

Until next coffee time,


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