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Writer's pictureLane Coffee Shop Writer


Christmas Day, the last Saturday of 2021.

I decided for DAY SIX of my countdown, I wanted to share from my 101Blessings. (#94). Last night after all was still, I bundled up & went out on my deck with my hot drink and looked at the midnight sky. It reminded me of the Christmas Eve a few years ago when I had walked down my street and thought about another night far away and so very long ago.

'O little town of Bethlehem'.

I visualized the Angels who brought the good news to the Shepherds in the fields about the Savior's birth and sang:

'Hosanna! Tonight in Bethlehem, a child is born, Christ the Lord, our Savior!'

They followed the star into town, to the stable where the baby lay in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Imagine the joy as they shouted out the news through Bethlehem town!

The Three Wise Men had also followed the same star and declared: 'We Three Kings of Orient are. Bearing gifts, we have travelled afar'.

I wondered how the Innkeeper reacted to it all taking place in his simple stable. It's impossible to imagine.

For those moments on that Christmas Eve, I remember wishing I could have been there. I would have sat amongst the sheep and heard the cattle softly lowing while the baby slept. Mary and Joseph must have been exhausted and relieved to finally be in a warm place for her to deliver after the long and I'm sure difficult journey.

When we were young and until we left home, the example of simple faith that was taught by the ways my parents and grandparents lived, guided us in always knowing the true reason for the season and has never left us. As children we also loved the excitement of hidden presents and how did Santa fill our stockings etc., but when all the presents were opened and our squeals of joy simmered down, we gathered at the family table and bowed our heads in respect while the blessing for everything we'd received, was said.

All my life I have carried those memories and traditions of what it took to keep our family together and strong. Everything has changed over the years, however a Christmas never goes by where I don't look up to the heavenly night sky and a little piece of my heart longs for those simple days of childhood and the old fashioned

kind of faith my parents had.

Dear Readers, I hope your Christmas Day has filled your heart with happiness, even though it is a struggle to be together, love can always come through in so many ways.

Wishing you all of His Blessings as you enjoy this day.


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Audrey Swift
Audrey Swift
Dec 26, 2021

Cam Bellingham hit the proverbial nail on the head. Marlane, thank you for the beautiful sentiment. 💖


Cam Bellingham
Cam Bellingham
Dec 25, 2021

How can anyone say "bah, humbug" when you wish us so eloquently, "A DAY FILLED WITH PEACE, JOY AND LOVE". :)

Lane Coffee Shop Writer
Lane Coffee Shop Writer
Jan 04, 2022
Replying to

Thank you it does make us think more about the true “reason for the season“

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